Early Orthodontic Treatment in San Antonio

At Nautical Dental, we believe that early orthodontic treatment is key to ensuring a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Dr. Eric Cornelius and his dedicated team are committed to providing the highest quality of orthodontic care. Early orthodontic treatment in San Antonio can address dental issues before they become more severe, saving time, money, and discomfort down the line.


What is Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, refers to orthodontic care provided to children while they still have some of their primary (baby) teeth. This phase of treatment typically begins around the age of 7, when the first adult molars and incisors usually start to come in. At this stage, Dr. Eric Cornelius can identify potential orthodontic issues and develop a treatment plan to guide the teeth and jaw into proper alignment.


Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

  1. Prevention of Severe Dental Problems: Early intervention can prevent more serious dental issues from developing. By addressing problems such as crowding, spacing, or jaw misalignment early on, we can avoid the need for more extensive treatment in the future.
  2. Guidance of Jaw Growth: Early treatment can help guide the growth of the jaw, ensuring that the teeth come in straight and properly aligned. This can be particularly important for children with jaw discrepancies or bite issues.
  3. Improved Oral Health: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Early orthodontic treatment can contribute to better overall oral health.
  4. Boosted Self-Esteem: A straight, beautiful smile can significantly boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Early orthodontic treatment can help children feel better about their appearance and social interactions.
  5. Simplified Future Treatment: Early orthodontic intervention can simplify and shorten any future orthodontic treatment needed in adolescence or adulthood.


Common Issues Addressed by Early Orthodontic Treatment

At Nautical Dental, Dr. Eric Cornelius and our team can address a variety of orthodontic issues through early treatment, including:


  1. Crowded Teeth: When there is not enough space in the jaw for all the teeth to come in properly, early treatment can help create the necessary space.
  2. Crossbite: A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth. Early treatment can help correct this issue, preventing asymmetrical jaw growth.
  3. Open Bite: An open bite occurs when there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth when the mouth is closed. Early intervention can help align the teeth properly.
  4. Underbite: An underbite occurs when the lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw. Early treatment can help guide the growth of the jaw and correct the bite.
  5. Excessive Spacing: Early orthodontic treatment can help close these spaces and ensure proper alignment if there are large gaps between the teeth.


The Process of Early Orthodontic Treatment

The process of early orthodontic treatment at Nautical Dental in San Antonio is designed to be thorough, personalized, and comfortable for your child. Here is what you can expect:


  1. Initial Consultation: The first step is an initial consultation with Dr. Eric Cornelius. During this visit, he will comprehensively examine your child’s teeth, jaw, and bite. This consult may include taking X-rays and photographs to get a detailed view of the teeth and jaw structure.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings from the initial consultation, Dr. Cornelius will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your child’s specific needs. He will discuss the recommended treatment options, the expected duration of treatment, and any other pertinent details with you.
  3. Active Treatment Phase: Once we establish the treatment plan, we begin the active treatment phase. This phase may involve using clear aligners, or other orthodontic appliances to guide the teeth and jaw into proper alignment. Dr. Cornelius and our team will closely monitor your child’s progress and make any necessary adjustments along the way.
  4. Regular Check-Ups: Throughout the treatment process, regular check-ups are essential to ensure that everything is progressing as planned. These appointments allow Dr. Cornelius to track your child’s progress, adjust the appliances, and address any concerns you may have.
  5. Retention Phase: After you complete the active treatment phase, your child will enter the retention phase. This involves using retainers to maintain the new alignment of the teeth and prevent any relapse. Dr. Cornelius will guide you on how to properly care for the retainers and how long you should wear them.


Why Choose Nautical Dental for Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Choosing the right orthodontist for your child’s early treatment is crucial. Here are some reasons why Nautical Dental is the best choice for early orthodontic treatment in San Antonio:


  1. Experienced Orthodontist: Dr. Eric Cornelius has extensive experience in providing orthodontic care to children. His expertise and gentle approach ensure your child receives the best care possible.
  2. Comprehensive Care: At Nautical Dental, we offer a full range of orthodontic services, from early treatment to adolescent and adult orthodontics. This allows us to provide continuous, comprehensive care as your child grows.
  3. State-of-the-Art Technology: We utilize the latest orthodontic technology and techniques to ensure the most effective and efficient treatment. This includes digital X-rays, 3D imaging, and advanced orthodontic appliances.
  4. Comfortable Environment: Our office is a welcoming and comfortable environment for children. We strive to make each visit a positive and stress-free experience.
  5. Personalized Approach: We understand that every child is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient. Dr. Cornelius takes the time to get to know your child and develop a personalized treatment plan that will achieve the best possible results.


Frequently Asked Questions about Early Orthodontic Treatment

Q: When should my child first see an orthodontist?

A: The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. This allows for early detection and treatment of any potential issues.

Q: How long does early orthodontic treatment typically last?

A: The duration of early orthodontic treatment varies depending on the child’s specific needs. On average, it can last 6 to 18 months.

Q: Is early orthodontic treatment painful?

A: Early orthodontic treatment is generally not painful. Your child may experience some discomfort or soreness when appliances are first placed or adjusted. But this is typically mild and temporary.

Q: Does insurance cover early orthodontic treatment?

A: Many dental insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic treatment, including early treatment. Our team at Nautical Dental can help you understand your insurance benefits and work with you to maximize your coverage.


Early Orthodontic Treatment in San Antonio

Early orthodontic treatment can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles. If you think your child may benefit from early orthodontic treatment, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric Cornelius at Nautical Dental in San Antonio today. Our team is here to provide your child with the highest quality orthodontic care and support.


Contact us at (210) 499-0009 or schedule your child’s orthodontic evaluation. Let us help you ensure a bright and healthy future for your child’s smile!